I’m a graduate student interested in developing novel bioinformatic pipelines to explore RNA metabolism in neurodegenerative disorders.
In 2014, I completed my Bachelor in Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience from Jacobs University Bremen, before moving to work in the Laboratory of Neuropsychology under Dr. Bruno Averbeck and Dr. Mortimer Mishkin at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA. After two years working in electrophysiology exploring the mechanisms of auditory spatial attention, I left science for a year to hone my skills in industry as a data analyst. Following this, I moved to the Computational Biology Branch at the National Center for Biotechnology Information under Dr. Anna Panchenko. There, I explored the effects of DNA mutagenesis on cancer evolution.
In March 2019, I began my Ph.D. under joint supervision of Dr. Pietro Fratta and Dr. Maria Secrier working on a project to integrate metabolic RNA labeling with RNA-seq in order to understand the effects of mutations in RNA binding proteins on RNA metabolism and stability.